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Simoncini.Tangi was born from the encounter of two apparently different realities, the artistic-theatrical one of Daniela Simoncini and the technical-scientific one of Pasquale Tangi. Pasquale was born in Faeto (Foggia) and graduated in Industrial Engineering from the University of Florence in 2008. In 2009 he enrolled in the “FuturoVegetale” Master of the neurobiologist Stefano Mancuso and prof. Leonardo Chiesi, to deepen the relationship between Man, Environment and Nature. Daniela Simoncini was born in Poggibonsi (Siena) and graduated in the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, in the Painting section with prof. Gianfranco Notargiacomo. He studied theater with the vocalist actress Gabriella Bartolomei and contemporary dance with Cristina Bonati. She currently teaches pictorial and graphic disciplines at the Liceo Artistico U. Brunelleschi in Montemurlo (PO). In 2020 he joined the “Ginax” group (S.Carbone, A. Castiglione, A. Cattani, P.Gagiotti, S.Galegati, C.Longo, V.Manzi, C. Modica, F. Pasini, L.Perlo, DG Quadrio Curzio, G.Restifo, S.Ravelli, G. Scardi, U.Zanetti). 


– “Futuro Vegetale” Master coordinated by Leonardo Chiesi and Stefano Mancuso, teachers:Elisa Azzarello, Fabio Ciaravella, Paolo Costa, Antonio Girardi, Pietro Laureano, Anne Lambertini, Giuseppe Lotti, Elisa Masi, Tessa Matteini, Camilla Pandolfi, Unifi di Firenze, L.I.N.V di Sesto Fiorentino(FI), Università Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo. Villa Bardini, Firenze – Giardini di “Daniel Spoerri”, Seggiano (Gr) 

– “How to build a Food Forest” by the environmental biologist dr. Andrea Vannini, “Komorebi” association, Prato 

– “Eco-friendly Gardens and Gardens Design” by the environmental biologist dr. Andrea Vannini, “Komorebi” association, Prato 

– “Participatory artistic practices and Community Art” – Workshop with Year Anni Raw, Higher Education Winter School for Contemporary Arts 2016 “Inside and outside” of the Contemporary Museum, scientific direction of Giacomo Bazzani, with Francesca Catastini, “Vivareli” Foundation, Pistoia 

– “Twocalls” – Notice of the Dolomiti Contemporanee edited by Gianluca D’Incà Levis, Vajount, online selection 

– “Z.E.A” Artistic Exploration Zones: Workshop with Gabriel Rossell Santillán Piero Gilardi (Pav of Turin), Emmanuel Louisgrand 

– “We as Animals” – Workshop by Piero Gilardi, P.A.V. Turin 

Workshop / exhibition “Manufatto in situ 2010” by Viaeindustriae, Emanuele De Donno, Neoncampobase, with the collaboration LauraColini, Emiliano Reali, A12 Group, Francesco Adriani, Gino Giannuizzi, Artists / invited curators, Emiliano Fantin, Caretto & Spain, Kinkaleri, Aldo Grazzi, Miriam Laplante, Giancarlo Norese, Barbara Fassler, Bernardo Giorgi 

– Winner 1st Prize “G.A.P: 2000×3000 pixels, Digital Photography”, Young Architetti Pratesi, Jury: Prof. Arch. Marino Moretti, Arch. Luca Piantini, the Assesor Culture Sector of the Municipality of Prato, Anna Beltrami, the Artistic Director of the “Pecci Center” Marco Bazzini, Lella Rendesi, “Dryphoto”, Vittoria Ciolini 


– “Espacio Enter: International Festival of Creativity and Culture Digital ”by Montse Arbelo y Joseba Franco, Organization: Art Tech Media, with the patronage: Government of the Canaries, Ministry of Cultura, Tenerife Auditorium TEA, Tenerife 

– “Winner 3rd Premio De Industria 2009 3rd edition”, Competition / Laboratory/ Exhibition curated by Francesco De Luca with Teresa Fuligna, Municipality of Fermignano, S.p.a.c, Province of Pesaro and Urbino, Fermignano (PU) 


– “Bio-facies” edited by Artforms, with critical text by Gaia Bindi, Artforms, Prato

– “Microchange” Art and Territory Project “Face Off vol.2” call, by Ettore Favini, Dino Ferruzzi, C.R.A.C, Province of Cremona, Cremona

– “Presentation of the Artist” by the “Paradigma Association” with Davide Mabellini, Circle of Artists, Turin 

– “Reverie”curated by Dino Ferruzzi and Gianna Paola Machiavelli, C.R.A.C, Contemporary Art Research Center, “Bruno Munari” Art School, Cremona



Vicoli d’arte, Urban regenerations project curated by Vicoli D’arte, Confartigianato Imprese Prato, CNA Toscana Centro, Palazzo delle Professioni, Unione Prato Imprese e Comitato Provinciale Area Pratese, Vicolo Gherardacci, Prato

Il sesto regno, con E. Sauer, Scuola Popolare, curator Angelika Stepken, Agnes Stillger, Davood Madadpoor, Ilaria Gadenz e Carola Haupt (Radio Papesse), Villa Romana, Florence

– “Manus. Praise to Fragility” edited by “Novella Guerra- In-out” by Maura Banfo, Annalisa Cattani, Susanna Ravelli, Studio65, The Necxt 4th edition, Magazzini Doksa Dora, Turin 

– “House of Relathionships” with Laure Keyrouz edited by “Novella Guerra- In-out” by Maura Banfo, Annalisa Cattani, Susanna Ravelli, Studio65, The Necxt 3rd edition, Magazzini Doksa Dora, Turin

– “XS, Extra Small, Souvenir of Contemporary Art” by Siriana la Pietra, collective exhibition at “Sound resonances”, Piazza S. Marco, Florence

  • “The trees keep time” by the Popular Museum of Viareggio, Pineta di Viareggio Park, Lucca 
  • “Reset”. performance .48 hours. curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier, Elisa Zadi, with Murat Onol, Nicola Bertoglio, Elisa Zadi, Niusha Inuiashi, with Annalisa Cattani, “La Barbagianna”, Pontassieve (FI)
  • “Casa Fragile” curated by Annalisa Cattani with the participation of Liuba, Laure Keyrouz, Amanda McGregor, Fabrizio Rivola, Dragoni Russo, Novella Guerra, Imola (BO) 

– “I see I look” Round Table curated by Annalisa Cattani, with the collaboration of Dino Ferruzzi, Gianna Paola Machiavelli, Art Forms, Spazio MDT, Novella Guerra, Imola (BO) “Giardini d’Oriente in Prato” by Enrico Banchelli, Director of the PIN, Giovanni Scotto, scientific manager of the Forma Mentis laboratory; Anja Baukloh, Operational manager of the Forma Mentis laboratory; Dalila De Pasquale and the Oriental Gardens group Giuseppe Campaioli, Marino Ho Yuntian, Franco Vignoli, Isabella Migliorini, Loredana Giarracca e Rossella Foggi, “City of Prato” University Center PIN – Prato.

– “WOM” Artforms and Corte via Genova, with Eva Sauer, Diego Di Sepio, Tatiana Villani, Rachel Morellet, Raffaele Di Vaia, Simonetta Fratini, Manuela Mancioppi, Virginia Zanetti, Bärbel Reinhard, Artforms and Corte via Genova, Prato

– “Art Garden” by the Heyart Association, Horticultural Gardens of Florence, Florence 

– “I see I look” curated by Annalisa Cattani, with the collaboration of Dino Ferruzzi, Gianna Paola Machiavelli, Art Forms, Spazio MDT, Railway after work “Flag Hall”, Cremona “Dialogues en Humanitè” with the mayor Matteo Biffoni, the president of the municipal council Ilaria Santi, the president of city coordination for peace Massimo Carlesi with the participation of the Tuscany Region, Municipality of Prato, Open Skies Association, Ricicli- dea Association, citizen coordination for Peace, Pin, City of Prato, Provincial Student Coun- cil, Taichi Group in via ColomboAgorà. Presentation of the work “Fan of Relations”

– “Rosso di Donna”Red shoes 1522, by Alessandra Borsetti Venier, with S. Mangano, F. Ca- vallucci, G.Antenucci, M. Ciambellotti, L. Dragoni with 210 participating artists, Biblioteca Lazzerini, Prato

– “Mail Art – Being there without being there” – XII edition of mail art, poetry, performance, video art, music by Enzo Correnti, Officina Dada Boom, Viareggio (LU)

– “49th Suzzara Prize – No place.Place”, designed by Umberto Cavenago with the collaboration of Ermanno Cristini, Piazzalunga Cultural Center, Suzzara (MN)

– “Incontri d’Arte” XXV International Exhibition curated by Alessandra Borsetti Venier with Attilio Maltinti, Marco Palamidessi, Daniela Pronestì, Luca Matti, Giovanna Sparapani with the performances of Massimo Mori, Jakob de Chirico, Luca De Silva, Manuela Mancioppi, Murat Onol, Tatiana Villani, Giacomo Verde, Elisa Zadi, “La Barbagianna”, Pontassieve (FI) “Dress Codex” contemporary urgencies by Bau, Gam contemporary culture container, with Paola Raffo, Paola Raffo Contemporary Art, Pietrasanta (LU)

– “Art Garden 2016”, curated by Hyeart Association, installation of the “Fattore r” project, Horticultural Garden, Florence

– “Illuminated Evenings” curated by Riccardo Bargellini, installation project for I.P.A.C – Park for Contemporary Art, Centro Basaglia, Livorno

– “Re.si.lien.za” by Collettivo Superazione (Barbara Fluvi, Murat Onol, Giacomo Verde, Silvia Mordini), 3 days of Performance, with Enzo Correnti, Ina Ripari, Tekiuen and Nicolas Vam- vouklis, Rosaria Lo Russo, Luca De Silva, Manuela Mancioppi, Fulgor Silvi, “Pasquinucci” furnaces, Capraia (FI)

– “Teach back” (back teaching), edited by Dino Ferruzzi, “I see I look” by Annalisa Cattani with the collaboration of Studio MDT, Artforms, crouwfunding project for C.R.A.C, Resear- ch and Contemporary Art Center of Cremona, “Fabbrica del Vapore”, Milan

– “Dress Codex” Bau contemporary urgencies as a magazine edited by Antonino Bove and Vittore Barone, Gamc, “Lorenzo Viani” Modern Art Gallery, Viareggio (LU) 

“Dress Codex” Bau contemporary urgencies as a magazine edited by Antonino Bove and Vittore Barone, Gamc, “Lorenzo Viani” Modern Art Gallery, Viareggio

– “Habitat: the recomposition” by Gloria Campriani, with Manuela Mancioppi and Rachel Morel- let, edited by Alessandra Frosini, Palazzo Pretorio, Department of Culture, Certaldo (FI) 

– “Earth, Heaven and Good Talents” by ESP and Manuela Mancioppi, new meeting of BLACK BAGS, Pratolino Park, Villa Demidoff, Florence

– “I see I look” curated by Annalisa Cattani, with the collaboration of Simoncini.Tangi, fundrai- sing project for the C.R.A.C, Research and Contemporary Art Center of Dino Ferruzzi of Cre- mona, Artforms, Spazio MDT, Prato 

– “I see I look” by Annalisa Cattani, with the collaboration of Raffaele Quattrone, on the occa- sion of Terzo Paradiso, “Ribhirthday” by Pistoletto, Fundraising project for CRAC, Center for Research and Contemporary Art by Dino Ferruzzi of Cremona, Novella Guerra, Imola (BO) “Italia Mon Amour” Mia Cara Curitiba 2014, curated by Gaia Bindi with Claudio Di Francesco, Gabriele Menconi, Mongobì, Sesc Água Verde, Curitiba, Brazil 

– “Movements” video art review by Cecilia Guida, Arthub, undo.net

– “Art Garden” by the Heyart Association, Horticultural Gardens of Florence Selection Catalog “Combat Prize, photography section” by Francesca Baboni, Stefano Taddei, Civic Museum “Giovanni Fattori” ex Granaries of Villa “Mimbelli” Livorno

– “Nature, water and women: women and rehabilitation”, Contemporary Art Foundation, curated by “Arte in Movimento”, Contemporary Art Gallery (LU) 

– “Video 2” video art review by Giovanni Viceconte, Arthub, Undo.net 

– “Ideas that change our lives”, Castello dell’Imperatore, Prato, by Youth Policies, municipality of Prato, Festival of Creativity 

– “Networking 2009: Back to the Present” Florence, curated by Elisa Del Prete, G.A.I Circuit, 5 workshops in the cities of Arezzo, Livorno, Pontedera, Monsummano Terme, Prato, with Pavel Braila, John Duncan, Marzia Migliora 

– “Zooart”, edited by Michela Giuggia, Paolo Sasia, Giardini”Fresia”, Cuneo 


– “In Situ Artifact. 10 Landscapes / 10 Landscapes” by Viaeindustriae Publishing, Foligno (PU), Idea Books, Amsterdam 2017 

– “NoPlace3. A 49th Suzzara Prize” photo album, edited by Umberto Cavenago and Giancarlo Norese – La Centrale Edizioni – Suzzara- 2018 

– “Italy Mon Amour”, curated by Gaia Bindi, Sesc Curitiba, Brazil, gedegate 2014 

– “Ten Years 2004-2014. Art”, education, training, work, public space, curated by Dino Ferruzzi, C.R.A.C of Cremona, Postmedia Books, Cremona 2013 

– “Simoncini.Tangi” by Federica Boràgina in “Title” Notebooks, pages 30-32 Scientific-cultural magazine of contemporary art, Ed. Rubbettino 2013 

– “Back to the Present. Networking 5” by Elisa Del Prete with Gabriele Tosi, Grafiche Gelli, Florence 2011 

– “Simoncini.Tangi: Art as water”, Boîte 5, Box of art, ideas, studies and other thou- ghts, Milan 2010 

– “Networking. My home”, a house in the city of Ariadne of Genoa, Tuscany Region, Tra Art, Maschietti Editore, Florence 2005