Collective exhibition 04 July – 04 August 2020
KYRO ART GALLERY presents the collective exhibition “MATTER” Saturday 04 July at 6:30 p.m. in Pietrasanta (Lu).
The exhibition is based on sculptural works of 5 artists: Eun Sun Park, Rudy Pulcinelli, Paolo Ristonchi, Daniele Salvalai and Giuliano Vangi
They are different artists among them for philosophy and poetics and use several materials from marble to plexiglas, from iron to corten steel.
There are a dozen works deriving from researches and experimentations between colours and materials.
Central theme of exposed works is MATTER which becomes sculpture thanks to the hand of skillful artists.
Eun Sun Park, with his many-coloured works in marble and granite, unveils “ solid instability” of his spheres and columns.
Rudy Pulcinelli, connects letters of the most 7 diffused alphabets by using iron and corten steel and by expressing a limitless and without barriers speech.
Paolo Ristonchi, changes substance in light and colour through a wisefully worked plexiglas. Daniele Salvalai, deepens matter’s dimensions through laser cutting and welding on iron. Giuliano Vangi is able to materialize subjects’ internal essense on carving marble.
…“Dico, adunque, che la scultura e la pittura per il vero son sorelle, nate di un padre che è il disegno, in un sol parto et ad un tempo; e non precedono l’una all’altra, se non quanto la virtù e la forza di coloro che le portano addosso fa passare l’uno artefice innanzi all’altro; e non per differenzia o grado di nobiltà che veramente si trovi in fra di loro” … (Giorgio Vasari)
* I nomi dell’estetica, E. Franzini, Mazzocut – Mis, ed. Bruno Mondadori, p. 16