“Lègami🔗 Legàmi” Collective art exhibition Saturday 22nd May – 22nd June 2021
Saturday 22nd May from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Pietrasanta (Lu) Kyro Art Gallery presents the group exhibition “Lègami 🔗 Legàmi”.
Common thread of this exhibition is “ relation” meant as bond of unity, relation between people and things, between visible and unvisible, between nature and art.
“ Human relations “ have been replaced by “ connections”
Whereas relations involve commitment, “to connect and to disconnect” is a child’s play.
Daniele Accossato makes sculptures inspired to the great past masterpieces of inestimabile value and presents stolen, bonded and gagged figures who are locked up in small containers ready to be stocked and then shipped. Reading key stands not so much in the subject to be sculpted (which boils down to archetype ), but in its “ frame” : the container. Sculptures are exposed in their voyage containers, some wooden boxes or cases that are a prison and a protection at the same time. Boxes, cases, packings in general changes the work in merchandise. Something that will be shipped, trans- ported, sold and then sold and transported again.
Giuseppe Ciracì’s painting is full of connections with nature. In his pages wore by time, which reproduce masterpieces of art history whose colours are completely affected by atmospherical con- ditions, the artist investigates the unsolvable relation between art and nature, between space and time, between past and present. Some images that are coloured in light blue by nature like in the exposed work “ Tra le mani custodiva le stelle ( He guarded stars in his hands) ” a tribute to Raffael- lo through one of his most famous paintings that just witnesses connection between the artist from Urbino and his beloved ( the “Fornarina”) a timeless love remembered in art and literature forever.
In Luca Gilli’s photografic works ,under construction inner spaces are present : apartments, standardised spaces and under construction contemporary offices.These places have often a simple architecture, they have an unertain identity combined to absence of emotional involvement which makes these places unique and charming. In his second exposed work, Gilli tells connection bet- ween marble quarries and the precious matter extracted from the Altissimo mountain one part of wall just cut and protected by a metallic nest a connection between nature and man, between raw material and finished work.
Rudy Pulcinelli uses symbolism of letters’ forms and shapes taken from the 7 most famous alpha- bets in the world. He connects concept of communication to that of memory. The latter have together a very important role in bulding bases of his sculptural and installing language. It is extremely contemporary , a sort of artistic communication code which wants to underline need to invest on individual, on his history and on his future in the spirit of tolerance and enhancement of everybody’s particularities ( ethnic, linguistic or cultural ) because they must be conceived as opportunities ad not as obstacles.
Anila Rubiku seems to talk us about platonic relations, about connections with cities ,their streets and orgiastic views. She talks about bodies’ entanglement where, without measures and with an impertinent freedom she catches frenetic weaves of streets and irreverent loving embraces , intimate episodes to think on the deepest sense of human being : union and connection with the other one and with place where he lives.Through her works, the artist brings us in a world made up of desires, primary instincts, urges of flesh which are in eternal struggle and in strong dichotomy if it is true that in life becoming Eros creates connections and Thanatos destroies them.