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Federica Belli is a 24 years old photographer from Italy who resides in Paris.

While earning her bachelor in Economics & Management at Bocconi University in 2017, she works as assistant of Oliviero Toscani at the Benetton Research Center FABRICA.

In 2018 she takes part to the SKY Arts TV show Master of Photography and is proclaimed winner. The year after she moves to New York to assist Chris Buck and work as photo editor at Musée Magazine, for which she still writes a weekly column.

Back to Italy to hold a TEDx Talk about her vision, she gets to be represented by the gallery Valeria Bella in Milan.

From 2021 her work is exhibited in the major European photography fairs among which Paris Photo, Photo London, MIA Photo Fair and The Phair. In 2022 she is invited to take part to the Venice Biennale Digital Art Pavilion.

After moving to Paris in 2022 her work increasingly includes commissions and publications on magazines such as Vogue Italia, ELLE and Vanity Fair.

Personal Exhibitions

– MIA photo Fair – Milano
– Flashback OperaViva – Torino
– Up to now, Millesimo – Savona
– Millesimi, faceva of a town, Millesimo, Savona
Mostre collettive
– Paris Photo Fair, Paris – Italia
– The Phair – Torino
– DecentralArt Pavilion – Biennale di Venezia – Venezia
– Mia Photo Fair – Milano
– Quartet . Galleria Valeria Bella – Milano
-ICP.#1 ICPconcerned . New York , USA
– LagosPhoto Festival #HOMEMuseum
– Fotografia Europea, Reggio Emilia

Reciprocity Design Festival – Liège – Belgium

Awards / Premi

– Premio BNL. Acquisition of the winning photograph by BNL
– 16 th Julia Margaret Cameron Award. 2nd Place in Fine Art
– Isorropia Home Gallery Partner Prize
– Art Rights Prize . Finalist
– Getty Images “Where we stand! Bursary – Creatives in quarantine
– TEDx Talk. “How can photography unite people?”

– Master of Photography. 1st place. Held by Sky Art in Rome
– BAGmi: Art & Milan. 2nd place. Held by Bocconi University Milan